Caixa Seguridade is committed to sustainability and acts proactively so that the ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance agenda takes center stage in the Company’s Strategy.

In 2022, Caixa Seguridade’s Social, Environmental and Climate Responsibility Policy (PRSAC) was updated and a Sustainability Plan was approved to guide the actions for 2023. It is important to point out that the themes related to ASG were internalized in Caixa Seguridade’s Institutional Strategic Planning (PEI), in the 2022-2026 and 2023-2027 cycles, and also in the Variable Remuneration Programs for Managers for the years 2022 and 2023. The initial moves to internalize ESG at the heart of the Company’s strategy demonstrate our Organization’s commitment to social, environmental and climate responsibility.

In 2021, we carried out important social actions in partnership with our participating companies, to engage stakeholders in important topics: Breast Cancer Prevention; Financial Education and Combating Dengue Fever.

2022 was an important year in the ESG agenda: we inventoried, for the first time, our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for 2021 fiscal year and acquired carbon credits from certified projects in the Verified Carbon Standard – VCS, of the International Organization Verra . We also carried out 3 engagement actions with the internal public of Caixa Seguridade and its subsidiaries, training them in ESG concepts, governance and management of ESG risks and ESG additionalities in products and services. 2022 was also the year of updating the PRSAC of Caixa Seguridade and the PRSAC of important subsidiary companies, which reinforces our vision as a conglomerate.

See some important documents on this page:

Social, Environmental and Climate Responsibility Policy – PRSAC
Sustainability Committee Regulation

Caixa Seguridade subscribes to and endorses external initiatives in the economic, social and environmental spheres, in line with its strategic guidelines. They are:

B3 – Novo Mercado, index that brings together companies that meet the highest corporate governance requirements in the Brazilian market.
IG/SEST, State-Owned Governance Index promoted by the Secretariat for Coordination and Governance of State-Owned Companies (SEST).
Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption – Clean Company Pact, which includes a set of guidelines and procedures to be adopted by companies and signatory entities in their relationship with public authorities.
Caixa Seguridade became a member of the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Protocol Program (PBGHG) in 2023, disclosing the greenhouse gas emissions inventory (IGEE) for 2022. For the second consecutive year, the Company achieved the gold seal of the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Protocol Program (PBGHG), a recognition by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) awarded to organizations that reached the highest level of qualification and transparency for the IGEE in 2023, through the Public Emissions Registry (RPE).
IGPW B3, index that brings together a select group of companies that bring the relationship between people and employee development to the center of the debate.
GPTW (Great Place to Work), certification that demonstrates our commitment to the internal public, acting to obtain and maintain an excellent organizational climate and work environment.

Below, we provide the Integrated Report, the GHG Emission Inventory and the Verra Carbon Credit Acquisition Certificate, accessible by selecting the reference year:

Verra Carbon Credit Acquisition Certificate

GHG Emission Inventory

Integrated Report - Video

Integrated Report

