This section focus on the information regarding the purchases and contracts of Caixa Seguridade that are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Law 13303/16 and complementary legislation.

Caixa Seguridade also complies with the provisions of the CAIXA Bids and Contracts Regulations, to which it adhered on 06/14/2017.

Bids and Contracts Regulations

The Board of Directors of Caixa Seguridade approved the adhesion to the CAIXA Bids and Contracts Regulations on 06/14/2017, and adopted the bidding rules and contracts of Law 13303/16. This act was published in the Federal Official Gazette on 07/17/2017.

These Regulations establish general rules on bids and contracts related to works, services, advertising included, purchases, disposals and leases within CAIXA and its conglomerate, pursuant to Law 13303/16 and Decree 8.945/16.

To access the CAIXA Bids and Contracts Regulation, click here.

Bidding Notices and Terms / Results

Information on the notices and download of the corresponding bidding terms for electronic auction and other bidding modalities, or results of the bidding processes are available on the website http://licitacoes.caixa.

Purchases and Contracts

To access the summary of purchases and contracts signed by Caixa Seguridade, select: 2024 | Previous years (2018 to 2023)

Click here to view the contracts in execution.

Annual Procurement Plan

Click here to access Caixa Seguridade’s Annual Procurement Plan.

